Fantasy Insider Enhancement
DFS Fantasy

Fantasy Insider Enhancement: Sort Lineups

We have another Fantasy Insider enhancement to show you today here at Draftstars. This feature is simple in its nature so no need for a video from Smatho. Now available is a Sort Lineups drop box to sort your crunched lineups from highest to lowest.

Earlier in our FAQ’s we had a topic: “Why Can a Lower lineup have a higher projected score then a lineup above it?” The reason why this occurred was that… “this is due to the operation of the various cruncher settings…’Projected scores’ for individual lineups are calculated on a players ‘baseline’ projection as opposed to the projection used for that particular crunch. As you can see in the picture below, different totals for crunched lineups were not in order.

Cruncher Sort

So now we have the option to now sort your lineups by ‘Default’ which is the current setting and by ‘Highest to Lowest’. By sorting your lineups from highest to lowest users can filter out lineups that projections are far too great from optimal lineups. You can now review lineups that may not be suitable without the need to search them within your lineups.

Look for the drop box on either the top or bottom of your crunched lineups.

This feature is now live on the cruncher including our Beta version for the MLB.

Check out the Fantasy Insider Cruncher right now!

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