DFS Fantasy

The Winners Interview: teevo88 wins the 2023 NFL Star

Winning the NFL Star in 2023 for the largest Australian Daily Fantasy prize is no walk in the park. The culmination of a whole season of NFL Qualifiers lead to the NFL Championship weekend. One user stood proud on the top of the leaderboard from the opening kick-off to the final kneel-down. That’s “teevo88” who on Monday took out the Draftstars 2023 NFL Star for a cool $50,000 cash prize.

But who is “teevo88”? Is Teevo an NFL tragic or did he just pick and stick in putting together a winning team? Well, we reach out to the man of the moment and asked him a few questions about his success.

Congratulations teevo88! Where are abouts are you from and what do you do for a profession?

I’m in a Corporate job working in the health industry in Melbourne, Victoria

How did you get into playing Daily Fantasy Sports?

I’m a massive sports enthusiast and ultra competitive so when I saw there was an opportunity to watch sports, lose money and yell at players through the screen. I was hooked!

How long have you been playing on Draftstars?

I’m actually unsure but would easily be 5+ years.

Do you play any other sports on there? What is your favourite?

I’ve dabbled across all sports over the years but favourite would have to be NBA and AFL

Tell us about your strategy when putting together your entry and who were your key players?

I still can’t believe how this has all come together. I won the golden ticket in week 2 of the season back in September knowing very little about the NFL. I know the rules but for the life of me couldn’t tell you which teams 90% of the players are in. I entered the competition because the NBA season hadn’t started yet and needed something to watch whilst working my day job. Absolutely no strategy at all, I used the Fantasy Insider tool (aka as the crunchernator to my friends and I) and entered the team that I thought seemed the best and it worked out. Told myself I fluked my way into the big dance so I would go with that same exact strategy and here we are today doing a winners interview and a healthier looking bank balance. No thought process just crunched a team using the tool and didn’t let outside noise change my team with their ‘expert’ tips. By the way I won the golden ticket and the final by under a point, WTF.

Tell us about the sweat. Where did you watch the game, who with, when did you realise you had won? Any notable plays that got you the win?

I was at a wedding the night prior and set a few alarms to check that there were no late outs to my team. Woke up feeling dusty half way through the first game and saw I was leading the competition and thought I’ve got no chance of hanging on from here. Looked at my team properly and thought I was set up pretty good for game 2 so tuned in from there at home with my partner and friends following along on WhatsApp. I was never confident in winning as I’ve had a few bad beats previously in the last minutes/seconds of the games. After watching Goff make those hero plays at the end I thought here we go again and even when the games were over I was sure I’d somehow get scaled out of the top prize. Thankfully that didn’t happen.

What are your feelings now that you have taken down $50,000?

Still hasn’t sunk in but told the boys who were following that I’d treat them to a night out. Will need to think about what to do with the rest but guess I could pay off some debts? …. or not

What is your favourite thing about playing Daily Fantasy Sports?

Just adds that little bit of extra interest to what I love doing already which is watching sports. The banter with mates is always a plus too.


Congratulations to ‘teevo’ but most importantly to all participants of the NFL Star for 2023. Stay tuned for the next Star Tournament on Draftstars, hopefully you are going to love it.


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